Carpal tunnel Tendonitis Tennis elbow And more

Reach your fullest possible recovery

Tenzr is the only digital therapy kit that assesses and retrains movement, guides rehabilitation, and measures progress.

Patented sensing technology combined with expert guidance ensures optimal recovery of the hand, wrist, and elbow.

Tenzr is the only digital therapy kit that assesses and retrains movement, guides rehabilitation, and measures progress.

Patented sensing technology combined with expert guidance ensures optimal recovery of the hand, wrist, and elbow.

Retrain healthy movement patterns

Practice moving correctly with Tenzr's guided and gamified rehab exercises. Gain strength, resilience, and relief from painful symptoms. Find certainty in movement for optimal health.

Measure all aspects of joint health

Tenzr Health precisely measures strength, endurance, proprioception, control, and range of motion to ensure accurate visualization of progress over time using high-resolution data.

Make rehab engaging and fun

Experience recovery in an entirely new way using Tenzr gameplay. Stay motivated while completing rehab exercises by competing for your own high score.

Guide the journey to full recovery

Completing your at-home physiotherapy exercise has never been easier. With the guidance of Tenzr, you can know exactly where you are in your recovery and find certainty you are moving correctly. Most clients make a full recovery within 3 months!


Backed by leading research, loved by real people.

Donna C.
Carpal Tunnel
Sid Raddalgoda (PT, CHT)
WestSide Hand Clinic
John D.
Tennis Elbow
Jeffrey Yao MD.
Stanford Medical

Get expert guidance

We are taking rehab science to the next level.

Get expert guidance

Playing 15 minutes of Tenzr rehab games teaches clients how to move correctly and measures recovery to guide treatment planning to ensure the fullest possible recovery.

Unlimited therapy starting here.

Motivation included.

We offer 4 service packages, all designed to improve rehab outcomes, no matter where you're at in your journey.

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